Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Questions: Soil Pollution

Since I've already talked about air and marine pollution, this time I'll shift to soil pollution. These questions are meant to help me think about which aspect of soil pollution that I might talk about in next posts.
  • What is soil pollution?
  • How does the soil get contaminated?
  • What are the risks that are imposed by soil pollution?
  • What role do heavy metals play in relation to soil pollution?
  • How does soil pollution affect the microorganisms living in the soil?
  • What are the impacts of soil pollution on the people and environment?
  • There have been several cases where soil is ingested by young children, what are the consequences and the possibilities of the soil being contaminated?
  • How can a contaminated soil be cleaned?
  • How is soil pollution related to health problems?
  • How can soil pollution be prevented?
  • Is the government taking any measures to stop soil pollution?
  • How do the rates of soil pollution differ from one country to another?

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