Sunday, March 27, 2016

Narrating the Overall Process

When I started this blog, I had an interest in environmental science but I had no idea on what aspects of it that I might pursue. As I started researching, I began to have an interest in pollution. Later, I ended up researching the main types of pollution, which are air, soil, and water pollution. 
I used Auraria Library as my main research source. However, this took a while to just find useful sources that support my topic. In each post, I included a url to the articles I found so when I come back later to them I won't have a hard time finding them again. 
The most challenging part was when using Auraria Library because I couldn't find any useful articles easily, but I had to dig in deeper and try different search terms. I even used Prospector and WorldCat, but I still faced the same issue. Despite that, I still learned some new things regarding pollution and environmental science. 

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